Hammerhead Sharks
It’s that time of
year Diving in Sharm El Sheikh when the winds start to drop, the sea is often calmer in the
afternoon and the water temperature is getting warmer. It’s also that time of
year when the larger life starts appearing; already some species have been spotted.
So as a dive guide we also start having the requests to go to the back of Jackson reef in the Strait of Tiran to dive the blue waters and hope to have that amazing exciting encounter with one of the most beautiful creatures in the sea – the Hammerhead Shark.
But what do you know
about the Hammerhead Shark?
Its scientific name
is Cephalofil for its hammerhead shaped head. This shape allows the shark to
have superior depth perception and binocular vision helping them to navigate
and find food, although they have eyes that allow 360 vision they have a blind
spot directly in front of them, you can often find small fish hiding right in
front of their nose! Due to the size of their heads scientists believe that
they have many more electroreceptor’s than other sharks which makes them
superior to other sharks when it comes to navigation and detecting prey.
These electroreceptor’s
pick up very small electrical pulses that all living things emit. They can
sense the beating heart of a human from several miles away, so they know you
are there a long time before you see them!
Hammerheads are
bottom hunters and their main prey is sting rays which camouflage themselves
under sand on the seabed, so the hammerheads distinct shape of head works like
a metal detector scanning the sea floor for living creatures to eat. The shape
of their head allows them to make sudden sharp turns and gives them more
balance and their bodies seem to be designed to twist and bend.
Sharks have another
cool secret weapon to help them hunt for prey – their skin. Shark skin is
covered in a structure called Dermal Denticles these are tiny flat V-shaped scales
that are more like teeth than fish scales. These denticles decrease drag and turbulence,
allowing the shark to swim faster and more quietly. Hammerheads dermal
denticles have evolved to be smaller and thinner and have ridges on the crowns
which help send scented water to its nostrils (nares) which in turn helps them
smell their prey.
Hammerheads like to
hang out in shallow waters, but just like us humans their skin can tan although
they have no risk of skin cancer from chilling in the sun, scientists are
studying this phenomenon in the hope it will help us to prevent and treat
melanoma in humans.
They don’t spend all
their time sunning themselves though, recent studies have shown that
Hammerheads free dive by “holding their breath”. It seems that they do this to
stay warm when diving to great depths between 200-1000 metres. The body
temperature of a fish is regulated by its surrounding temperature, but large predatory
animals such as sharks need to maintain a certain temperature to fully function
if they are to hunt for prey. Sharks and fish do not have lungs to filter
oxygen from the water, instead they have gills, when water passes over the
gills blood vessels on the gills absorb the oxygen from the water, if a shark
gets too cold, it can’t keep itself moving to allow this water to pass over its
gills and enable it to breathe. So studies have shown that at scalloped
hammerheads will do vertical dives and maintain warmer body temperatures by
closing their gill slits and stopping the cooler water flowing into their gills
and cooling the body. They were seen to dive repeatedly to depths of 800 metres
and would leisurely dive to around 100 metres then sprint down to the deeper
cooler depths, with temperature changes of 26 to 5 degrees but maintained warm
muscle and heart temperatures. These studies are ongoing as it’s not exactly
known what the sharks are doing at these deep depths.
Scalloped Hammerheads
are often seen in large schools, the belief is that these schools are
predominately females and congregate together for protection against males,
when a female is alone she is bombarded with males but when swimming in a
shiver (the collective name for a group of sharks) the females can select which
males they will have around them.
Female hammerheads
can store male sperm for a long period of time, but a study showed that some
females in captivity gave birth without having any males nearby for over 3 years;
scientists agreed this would be most unlikely that the shark could store the
sperm for that amount of time. A paternal DNA test was performed and it shown
that it was a “virgin birth” and the shark pups had no father. Although studies
are ongoing it is now believed that females don’t actually need the males, as the
females can create offspring by fertilising their own eggs.
The female hammerhead
with remain pregnant for 8- 10 months and will give birth to live babies called
pups she will have 20-50 pups, but from the moment they arrive they are on their
own with no parental care given. Although many hammerheads are at risk of extinction
and humans are the number one threat to them they will live between 25-35 years
but they are beginning to live longer lives, the reason for this is currently
So all in all what an
amazing animal the Hammerhead shark is, we are so privileged to see these wonderful
creatures in the waters here in Sharm el Sheikh. For those of you that have been on the
dive on the back of Jackson Reef in Tiran you know it’s not a guaranteed sighting but as they
can hear and sense us from a long way away it’s their choice as to whether they
will show themselves to us and it’s exciting and breath taking when they do.